• 2022-06-06
    There are six major types of tea in China – green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, dark tea, _____tea and_____tea.
    A: brown
    B: blue
    C: yellow
    D: white
  • C,D


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      What is the favorite of the British people? A: Green tea B: Brown tea C: Dark tea D: Black tea

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      ( )is the type of tea with the longest history, the hugest output and the widest producing areas. A: Green tea B: Black tea C: Yellow tea D: Oolong tea

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      龙井茶是____________中最著名的历史名茶。 A: Black Tea B: Oolong Tea C: White Tea D: Green Tea

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      Which kind of tea can be drunk with sugar and milk? A: Black tea B: Green tea C: Flower tea D: Oolong tea

    • 4

      六大茶类的分类包括_________________. A: Green Tea B: Pu’er Tea C: Oolong Tea D: Black Tea