• 2022-06-06
    How can I ____ money from my bank account to his?
  • transfer


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      _____________ is a means of paying for something by moving money automatically from your bank account to the account of the person you are paying.

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      A _______ card is a bank card that you can use to pay for things. When you use it the money is taken out of your bank account immediately.

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      In what way is a bank credit card different from a store credit account A: It can be presented at any place. B: The holder can use it at his bank only. C: It is not used at a shop only, but at almost all kinds of business where there is a bank card sign. D: It can be used only at the bank where the card is issued.

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      The bank became suspicious after several large _________ were made from his account in a single week.

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      I shall appreciate your effort in (correct) ________ this error in my bank account as soon as possible.