• 2022-06-06
    I found my books ______ I had left them.
    A: that
    B: which
    C: where
    D: when
  • C


    • 0

      When I got to the airport, I found that my luggage was overweight and I ended up _____half of my stuff behind. A: leaving B: leave C: left D: to be left

    • 1

      When I went to school I ? my books at home. A: leave B: left C: hold D: lack

    • 2

      I really don’t know ________ I had my money stolen. A: when was it that B: that it was when C: it was where that D: where it was that

    • 3

      She asked me to put my books in her office _____ I could find them quickly and easily. A: that B: where C: as D: during which

    • 4

      When I applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send them a _______ photograph.