• 2022-06-06
    waves include primary wave (P-wave) and secondary wave (S-wave) .
  • seismic###Seismic


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      wave to/at sb wave goodbye to sb

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      驻波 standing wave;stationary wave

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      关于波面与波线About Wave Surface and Wave Line A: 波面处处与波线平行;The Wave Surface is parallel to the Wave Line everywhere; B: 波面处处与波线不一定平行;The Wave Surface is not always parallel to the Wave Line; C: 波面处处与波线垂直;The Wave Surface is everywhere perpendicular to the Wave Line; D: 波面处处与波线不一定垂直;The Wave Surface is not always perpendicular to the Wave Line;

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      ____: n. the rate at which a sound wave, light wave, or radio wave moves up and down 震动频率

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      Various researches have determined that the biggest wave load appears when a wave length is _____ the ship’s length.