• 2022-06-06
    In English, a person’s family name can also be called the _________.
    A: first name
    B: last name
    C: forename
    D: given name
  • B


    • 0

      The family name is the ______in China. A: [A] middle name B: [B] given name C: [C] first name

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      1. In English-speaking countries, a person's surname is usually their A: first name B: middle name C: last name

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      What is the order of the family name and the given name in China? A: the family name before the given name B: the given name before the family name

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      Kate Green is her name, so her _____is Kate A: last name B: give name C: family name D: first name

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      The rule of spelling names is very simple and easy to remember: that is to ______ the first letter of given name, ______ the first letter of family name and put a space between the given name and the family name.