• 2022-06-06
    Please [u]      [/u] the sound on the TV.
    A: modulate
    B: removal
    C: superficial
  • A


    • 0

      [u]      [/u], his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. A: Strange as might it sound B: Strange as it might sound C: As it might sound strange 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    • 1

      The problems are difficult to solve. Please give me [u]         [/u]. A: some advices  B: an advice  C: advices  D: some advice

    • 2

      已知,交流电压u1=10sin100πtV,u2=10sin(100πt-60°)V。则u=u1-u2的解析式为()。 A: u=10sin(100πt+60°)V B: u=10sin(100πt-60°)V C: u=8sin(100πt+30°)V D: u=8sin(100πt-30°)V

    • 3

      已知,交流电压U1=10sin100πtV,U2=10sin(100πt-60°)V,则u=u1-u2的解析式为() A: U=10sin(100πt+60°)V B: U=10sin(100πt-60°)V C: U=8sin(100πt+30°)V D: U=8sin(100πt-30°)V

    • 4

      How did Maya feel about being on TV? A: She felt eager to be on TV. B: She felt urged to be on TV. C: She felt frightened to be on TV. D: She felt surprised to be on TV.