• 2022-06-06
    Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately _______, and still others
    are supported by religious organizations.
    A: ensured
    B: attributed
    C: authorized
    D: endowed
  • D


    • 0

      The following are all characteristics of American public schools EXCEPT ________. A: religious teaching B: locally controlled C: coeducational D: publicly supported by taxes

    • 1

      About 25% of all schools of higher education in America are privately operated by____ . A: private organizations B: religious organizations C: public organizations D: non-profit organizations

    • 2

      Some young people like pop music, while still others like music.

    • 3

      The<br/>Financial Accounting Standards Board has the responsibility for<br/>setting accounting and financial reporting standards for ( ) A: All federal and state<br/>organizations. B: All not-for-profit<br/>organizations that are nongovernmental and business entities. C: All not-for-profit organizations. D: Both B) and C) are correct.

    • 4

      智慧职教: Who supported slavery before the American CIvil War?