• 2022-06-06
    He has a flat _______.
    A: legs
    B: feet
    C: knees
    D: chest
  • D


    • 0

      Bruno has got_ A: blue eyes, fair skin, light brown hair, and he is six feet tall B: brown eyes, fair skin, dark hair, and he is six feet seven inches tall C: brown eyes, pale white skin, dark hair, and he is six feet tall D: blue eyes, darkish skin, light brown hair, and he is six feet seven inches tall

    • 1

      to bend your knees and lower yourself towards the ground so that you balance on your feet: ______

    • 2

      He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City. So he's a bit of a high-flyer. So he is____.

    • 3

      My friend, Mr. Fang, has a sore throat. He coughs a lot and his chest _____. A: is pain B: is hurt C: painful D: hurts

    • 4

      Be sure to keep your feet flat on the floor or pointed behind you as pointing the soles of your feet at another can be offensive