• 2022-06-06
    Mary is _________Rose.
    A: as tall as
    B: as taller as
    C: so tall as
    D: so taller as
  • A


    • 0

      These children are ________ this year than they were last year. A: more tall B: more taller C: very taller D: much taller

    • 1

      Ben is as ____ as Tom. A: tall B: taller C: tallest

    • 2

      Who is the _____ , Jim, Li lei or Ling feng? A: tall B: taller C: tallest D: much taller

    • 3

      Do you know which player is _________? A: most tall B: the tallest C: the taller D: more taller

    • 4

      I think Jean is not ______ her sister. A: so tall than B: so tall as C: as tall than D: tall as