• 2021-04-14
    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was given to the real Alice as an Easter gift.
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      These are (). They are on the second floor. A: Alice and Mary’s rooms B: the room of Alice and Mary’s C: Alice’s and Mary’s rooms

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      中国大学MOOC:" Why are we like Alice in wonderland when we read a book?";

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      s='Alice', the value of print(s[: :-1]) is A: 'ALICE' B: 'Alice' C: 'Alic' D: 'ecilA'

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      Daisy didn’t call Alice on Alice’s birthday.

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      【单选题】给出以下代码 s = "Alice" print(s[::–1]) 上述代码的输出结果是 A. ecilA B. Alic C. Alice D. ALICE