• 2022-06-06
    I just had a fall out with my boyfriend. I don’t want to talk with him now. The underlined phrase means ______.
    A: have a date with
    B: quarrel with
    C: talk with
    D: laugh at
  • B


    • 0

      Though I have broken up with my boyfriend, I can’t bear to be parted ___ him or let any man touch me. Likewise, I don’t want to see any girls be close to him.

    • 1

      Don't get angry! I don't want to ( ) with you. A: fall out B: fall over C: fall apart D: fall away

    • 2

      I’ll have to change my clothes before I go out — I don’t want ______ like this.

    • 3

      I'm in a difficult ____ at work. I don't know whether to talk to my boss about it or just quit. A: divorce B: predicament C: problem

    • 4

      If you don"t want to talk to him, I"ll speak to him ______. A: on your account B: on your behalf C: for your part D: in your interest