• 2022-06-17
    the complementary effect of food protein refers to
    A: Provide enough calories,can save food protein intake
    B: Provide a variety of vitamins, can save food protein intake
    C: Adequate supply of essential fatty acids can improve the nutritional value of protein
    D: Eating a mix of different types of protein has a higher nutritional value than eating one alone
  • D


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      中国大学MOOC: Which food components provide little nutritional value and can be harmful when we eat too much?

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      A. None of the evidence on dietary protein and specific health outcomes can be classified as “conclusive”</p></p><p><p>B. The relation between protein intake and cancer mortality and cancer diseases can be classified as “probable”</p></p>

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      The final products of digestion are ? A: fatty acids, starch, glucose B: protein, amino acids, glucose C: protein, fat, carbohydrate D: glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

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      ( )intake is an important factor affecting egg weight. A: Protein B: Energy C: Lipid D: Vitamins

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      Which of the followings provide energy? A: Fat B: Carbohydrate C: Water D: Protein E: Vitamins