• 2022-06-16
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      若要删除book表中所有数据,以下语句正确的是(选一项) A: truncate table book B: delete * from book C: drop table book D: delete table book

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      声明并实例化Book类型的一个新对象,正确的是()。 A: Book b; B: Book b = new Book(); C: Book b = new Book[]; D: Book b =Book();

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      11.以下的标记名称中不合法的是 A: Book B: _ Book C: :Book D: #Book

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      在PHP中,以下变量命名正确的是 A: $book B: _book C: $_book D: $-book

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      The Six Classics include the Book of Changes, ____, the Book of History, the Book of Rituals, the Book of Music and the Spring and Autumn Annals. A: the Book of Manners B: the Book of Nature C: the Book of Songs