• 2022-06-16
    中国大学MOOC: _______________, musician and composer of jazz music, is known as one of the founding fathers of jazz music.
  • Louis Armstrong


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      In which aspect jazz is different from classical music A: Jazz is Americas contribution to popular music. B: Jazz is coming from natural impulse and has free form. C: Jazz sounds more modern than classical music. D: Jazz expresses the moods, interest, and emotions of the peopl

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      In which aspect jazz is different from classical music A: Jazz is Americas contribution to popular music. B: Jazz is coming from natural impulse and has free form. C: Jazz sounds more modern than classical music. D: Jazz expresses the moods, interest, and emotions of the people.

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      S4. Jazz music is ______ of Jazz musicians’ emotions and musical skills.

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      Playing the trumpet with dazzling orginality, ____ dominated jazz for 10 years. A: the influence of the American musician B: the American musician C: the music of the American musician D: the American musician's talent

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      What is Jazz music? </p></p>