• 2022-06-16
    Who used compasses frequently as navigators in the eleventh century?
    A: Scientists
    B: Governors
    C: Fortune tellers
    D: Voyagers
  • D


    • 0

      Scientists are responsible for people who hold harmful beliefs about human nature because. A: the theories of scientists are used as justification for such harmful beliefs B: only through science can these people be refuted C: they have an obligation to correct their mistakes D: scientists are the ones who know the true nature of humankind

    • 1

      The eleventh century saw the formal between East and West. A: rupture B: converse C: trademark D: destroy

    • 2

      Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again ______ by the Vikings. A: satisfied B: conquered C: provoked D: composed

    • 3

      The eleventh century saw the formal between East and West.‏ A: rupture B: converse C: trademark D: destroy

    • 4

      When was a magnetic needle invented, although there were various forms of compasses used in ancient china?