• 2022-06-16
    Morphemes that can add “grammatical meaning”(such as agreement, tense, voice of the verb and person, number of the noun) of the word are called ________ morphemes.
  • d. inflective


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      14. As we almost never add new functional morphemes to the language, they are called a ____________ _______ class of words.

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      17. _____________ ____________ morphemes are not used to produce new word, but rather to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word.

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      The main categories of verb are mainly ________________. A: tense B: voice C: aspect D: number

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      What is the process of turning a word that is not a noun (such as a verb, an adjective or an adverb) into a noun or into the head of a noun phrase called ?

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      The popular method of classifying English morphemes is to group them into ______ morphemes and ______ morphemes. A: derivational; inflectional B: free; bound C: free; inflectional D: root ; bound