• 2022-06-16
    The secretary will contact you _____.
    A: for three days
    B: in three days
    C: about three days
    D: at three days
  • B


    • 0

      I hear he's coming to see you _______. A: in third days B: in third day C: in three day D: in three days

    • 1

      2019-12-18 A: Three days ago B: Six days ago C: A month ago D: Three months ago

    • 2

      This conference will last for __________. A: one day B: two days C: three days D: four days

    • 3

      The wedding ceremony of the Achang people lasts for _______. A: two days B: four days C: five days D: three days

    • 4

      A: Come and see me in ______.B: With pleasure. That's what I'm expecting. A: two or three days' B: two or three days' time C: two or three day's time D: two or three day