• 2022-06-18
    Which of the following are not the outcomes of transportation planning?
    A: Plan of motorized transportation facilities in five years
    B: Plan of non-motorized transportation facilities in ten years
    C: Plan of bus lines in five years
    D: Plan of subway pricing in the next year
  • D


    • 0

      1. During his trip in Spain ten years ago, he suddenly ________ of a plan to serve coffee and snacks in his bookstores.

    • 1

      Which of the following is not a major driver of supply chain performance? A: Customers B: Facilities C: Inventory D: Transportation E: Information

    • 2

      In the announcement, all the serving facilities are mentioned except (). A: transportation B: banking facilities C: booking facilities D: postal facilities

    • 3

      This year's production is five times ______ it was ten years ago. A: what B: that C: than D: as

    • 4

      My brother is ___ me. A: five years more junior to B: five years more junior than C: five years junior to D: five years junior than