• 2022-06-18
    Who advised Joe to give up his studies?
    A: His girlfriend.
    B: His mother.
    C: His cousin.
    D: His teacher.
  • C


    • 0

      Justin’s first tattoo is about _____ A: His mother B: His girlfriend C: A book D: A movie

    • 1

      The passage describes two types of teachers. The author seems to ______. A: condemn the inflexible teacher B: approve of the teacher who has faith in his students C: have not made up his mind on his preference for either D: feel that it is the student who determines his own success

    • 2

      For who did Ellen Poe write this poem? A: his friend's mother B: his father C: his wife D: his daughter

    • 3

      听对话选出正确答案。 A: His girlfriend is afraid of him. B: His girlfriend cannot be believed. C: His girlfriend isn’t on time. D: His girlfriend is always late.

    • 4

      Who does breakfast in the man’s family on weekends A: His mother. B. His father. C. His parents.