• 2022-06-18
    The lowest temperature is twenty below zero.
  • 最低气温是零下20度


    • 0

      When the temperature is below zero,water will _______. A: freeze B: virtue C: sink D: seek

    • 1

      If any input to an OR gate is zero, the output is zero.

    • 2

      These clouds will contain drops of water at temperature above freezing, or ice crystals at temperatures below freezing. A: coldness B: zero C: average D: ice

    • 3

      The sentences which ask about weather conditions are A: What's the weather like today? B: It's beginning to snow. C: The high temperature is thirteen below zero. D: How is the weather today?

    • 4

      If any input to an OR gate is zero, the output is zero. A: 正确 B: 错误