• 2022-06-18
    VIP客人的英文是( )
    A: Very Important Person
    B: Variable Information Processing
    C: Versatile Information Processor
    D: Video Interface Processor
  • A


    • 0

      What is the order of neuron structures from receiving information, processing information and sending information?

    • 1

      Nobody can touch that box without permission because there is () in it. A: an important information B: some important information C: some important informations D: lots of information important

    • 2

      刨片机的英文名为: A: Slicer B: blender C: processor D: cutter

    • 3

      ________ information is very important to all people involved in a conversation. A: Secret B: Shared C: Special D: Standard

    • 4

      Notes are very important if you want to gain information from listening. A: 正确 B: 错误