• 2022-06-18
    When keeping a journal, the person should________?
    A: have experienced some adventures
    B: have made a scientific discovery
    C: keep an authentic record of what he sees
    D: write down what his experience is and what impresses him
  • D


    • 0

      Please write down what you have learn from this course in this semester.

    • 1

      He is pleased with what you have given him and ________ you have told him. A: which B: all which C: all what D: all that

    • 2

      (13 Down) What must this experiment have the potential to do, to be a ______ (有效的) scientific experiment?

    • 3

      What an odd _____ that he should have known your family.

    • 4

      I have no idea ____ he will start. A: when B: that C: what D: /