• 2022-06-18
    Can you draw a horse/house?
    A: horse
    B: house
  • B


    • 0

      The order of Heavenly Horse and that of Sea Horse can be changed alternatively.

    • 1

      ( ) An equivalent English expression for “ 牛不喝水强按头 ” is “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”.

    • 2

      If you can’t afford to buy a house, you can ________one.

    • 3

      Is _____ your house here? – No, 's my house there, the blue house ... at the end of the road. And ______ are my children in the garden ... can you see from here?

    • 4

      The writer was surprised because ____ A: the artist began to draw at the head of the horse B: the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C: the artist made his own rule D: the artist did not follow other people’s rule