• 2022-06-18
    In early Saxon England, the main classed of people were ________.
    A: noblemen
    B: freemen
    C: slaves
    D: all of the above
  • D


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      Like other blacks in the western hemisphere, the______majority of African Americans were brought to North America as slaves between the 1700s and the early 1800s. (overwhelm)

    • 1

      All the people who were dead were going to the Elysium.

    • 2

      Why was the blues a unifying factor among the African slaves, and later, the black community in the United States? A: .Black people all love sad music. B: .They all came from the same hometown in Africa. C: .African slaves needed music to help them deal with their hard life. D: .They were all originally from different kingdoms and tribes, and spoke different languages, so the blues helped unify them and gave them a cultural identity.

    • 3

      During King Philip’s War, at least a million Native Americans of New England were sold as slaves, with over half those coming from Plymouth.

    • 4

      Why<br/>are people trying to save wild tigers? A: Tigers keep nature in balance. B: Tigers are beautiful animals. C: Other animals would also die if there were no tigers. D: All of the above