• 2021-04-14
    3. According to the dictionary named The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, what is communication?
  • Communication is derived from the Latin word communicare, means “share with” or “to make common”.


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      As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately. A: The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Ninth Edition(1996) B: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE) New Edition (1987) C: Collins COBLLILD English Language Dictionary (CCELD) (1987) D: A Chinese-English Dictionary (Revised Edition) (CED) (1995)

    • 1

      The dictionary is to the foreign language student ______ the tool is to the worker. A: like B: that C: what D: as if

    • 2

      What is an important factor in determining whether or not to include a new word in the Oxford English Dictionary?

    • 3

      Samuel Johnson is most famous for______ A: A Dictionary of the English Language B: Ulysses C: Jane Eyre D: Pamela

    • 4

      Is there a bookshop around ( ) I can buy an English dictionary? A: that B: which C: where D: what