• 2022-06-18
    Robert Burns was a ______ poet.
    A: English
    B: Scottish
    C: Welsh
    D: Irish
  • B


    • 0

      “The poet of the peasants” is a title given to the greatest Scottish poet ____. A: William Blake B: John Donne C: Robert Burns D: William Wordsworth

    • 1

      Robert Burns is the best known of the poets who have written in the ( ) dialect. A: Scottish B: Irish C: London D: Celtic

    • 2

      St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17st each year. It is the_______ National Day. A: Welsh B: English C: Scottish D: Irish

    • 3

      was a representative poet of preromanticism in the 18th century English literature. A: Alexander Pope B: Henry Fielding C: Robert Burns D: Jonathan Swift

    • 4

      Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet?