• 2022-06-18
    They were quite sure it wasn't a cigarette end. They were ______.
    A: almost certain
    B: fairly certain
    C: completely certain
    D: nearly certain
  • C


    • 0

      Certain portions of his income were not . A: taxing B: taxable C: duty D: dutiable

    • 1

      7. There is some ________ (connect) between cigarette smoking and certain diseases.

    • 2

      v. to make sure or certain; guarantee; secure

    • 3

      _____ is quite certain that he will be at the meeting. A: This B: That C: Which D: It

    • 4

      Itis__________thatallstudentswillneedtocompleteaUniversityRegistrationform. A: sure B: certain C: correct D: necessary