• 2022-06-18
    8. He lit a cigarette and inhaled with ____________ enjoyment.
    A: sensual
    B: sensitive
    C: sensible
    D: sentimental
  • A


    • 0

      Did he ____________ a cigarette? A: lit B: light C: lighted D: lighting

    • 1

      It would have been more_____to save the money than to spend it all on clothes. A: sentimental B: sensible C: sensitive D: sensationa;

    • 2

      I was shocked to find a front-page story that was more ________ in its nature than it was informative. A: sensational B: sentimental C: sensitive D: sensible

    • 3

      I was shocked to find a front-page story that was more ________ in<br/>its nature than it was informative. A: sensational B: sentimental C: sensitive D: sensible

    • 4

      47. He pulled a cigarette from his pack and ____ . A: light down B: light up C: lit up D: lit down