• 2022-06-18
    —How are you planning ______ to Hangzhou —I haven"t decided, but I"m considering ______ a train.
    A: to travel; take
    B: travel; of taking
    C: to travel; taking
    D: traveling; to take
  • C


    • 0

      I don’t mind___by bus, but I hate___in queues A: to travel…to stand B: travel …stand C: traveling…standing D: to travel…standing

    • 1

      When I go on holiday I prefer to ______. I only take a very small bag with me. ( A: travel light B: travel heavy C: travel loose D: travel free

    • 2

      I don’t mind ______ by bus, but I hate standing in queues. A: to travel B: traveling C: travel D: having traveled

    • 3

      Complete the sentence:"The summer vocation is coming. I’m ________ in Xinjiang for 10 days " A: Both 'will travel' and 'going to travel' are possible B: going to travel C: traveling D: will travel

    • 4

      I don't think it wise _______ the hard work that they have refused to do. A: for you to take on B: of you to take on C: for you taking on D: of you taking on