• 2022-06-18
    Some authorities believe that the real beginning of Thanksgiving was in the year of ______.
    A: 1621
    B: 1622
    C: 1623
    D: 1624
  • C


    • 0

      Multi-party elections are scheduled some time next year but many doubt whether this is a __________ goal. A: real B: realistic C: / D: /

    • 1

      William<br/>Shakespeare died in the year of ____. A: 1623 B: 1616 C: 1599 D: 1598

    • 2

      23() A: Thanksgiving B: Christmas C: New Year's D: weekend

    • 3

      The academic year ( )at the beginning of October.

    • 4

      Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration of the year's harvest.