• 2022-06-19
    After marriage, we plan to go on a ______.
    A: honeymoon
    B: mountain
    C: route
    D: road
  • A


    • 0

      It is proposed that we ______here immediately after the meeting. A: go B: will go C: shall go D: went

    • 1

      The plan sounds very good. Could you ______ it I'd like to know more about it. A: go into B: go after C: go along with D: go in for

    • 2

      ___ you go across the road, you must be careful. A: Since B: After C: When D: Before

    • 3

      We often go for ___ walk after ___supper. A: a; the B: a; / C: /;/ D: /; the

    • 4

      We've decided not __________ go away after all. A: to B: in C: for D: on