• 2022-06-19
    You need to provide sufficient ( ) on the topic to help readers have a basic understanding of the subject.
    A: background imformation
    B: cultural information
    C: econimical information
    D: educational information
  • A


    • 0

      4.1.5Which of the following statement is right pertaining to the definition of an exposition? A: To provide information and explain a particular subject for readers. B: To convince readers to agree with an opinion the writer holds about a subject. C: To argue for a certain point of view. D: It’s hard to say.

    • 1

      49() A: information that have B: information they have C: information that has D: information that was

    • 2

      To present visual information well, you need to understand detailed information and statistics.

    • 3

      The general statements will introduce the topic of the essay and give background information on the topic.

    • 4

      If you need any more information about our product, we may provide it ___________ you as soon as possible. A: for B: from C: to D: with