• 2022-06-19
    Which options are the body's regulation of temperature in a cold environment
    A: sympathetic nerve tension increases
    B: skin blood vessels contract, heat loss reduces
    C: shivering
    D: basal metabolic rate increase, heat production increase
  • A,B,C,D


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      In chapter 5, according to Professor Hansen's bell-shaped curve of average temperature, what does three standard deviations mean for temperature? A: Moderate heat or cold that occurs regularly B: Extreme heat or cold that occurs a couple of times in a thousand occurrences C: Slight heat or cold that occurs in twelve times in a thousand occurrences D: Normal heat that occurs normally

    • 1

      How will the heat loss change by thickening the insulation layer outside the pipe? A: Increase B: No change C: Decrease D: Can not be determined

    • 2

      The temperature of the two gray body increases 50 ℃<br/>respectively, then the heat flow by radiation should be ( ) A: Reduced B: Increased C: Unchanged D: Uncertainty

    • 3

      Which of the following increases the rate of excretion of calcium ions by kidney?() A: decrease the calcitonin concentration in the<br/>plasma B: increase the phosphate ion concentration in the plasma C: decrease in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone D: metabolic alkalosis E: increase in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone

    • 4

      A person being treated for shock should be wrapped in warm coverings to(). A: increase body heat B: preserve body heat C: avoid self-inflicted wounds caused by spastic movement D: protect the person from injury during transportatio