• 2022-06-19
    The buying plan is normally done on a _____ basis and is called a _____ buying plan.
    A: three-month
    B: six-month
    C: nine-month
    D: twelve-month
  • B


    • 0

      They have produced ______. A: 10 more pianos this month than last month B: 10 pianos more this month than last month C: 10 pianos this month as many as last month D: 10 as many pianos this month as last month

    • 1

      When Americans plan an event, they usually set the time days, a week or even a month ____________.

    • 2

      2019-12-18 A: Three days ago B: Six days ago C: A month ago D: Three months ago

    • 3

      We’ll go to the sea for_____. A: a holiday month B: a holiday of a month C: a month holiday D: a month’s holiday

    • 4

      We ()following the marketing plan until next month A: continued B: are continuing C: will be continuing D: will continue