• 2022-06-19
    Industrial goods can be classified into _____________
    A: raw meterials
    B: equipment
    C: supplies
    D: components
  • A,B,C,D


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      Resource categories in the resource breakdown structure include ( ) A: Labor B: Material C: Equipment D: Supplies

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      Business-to-business products include_________.( ) A: staple products B: equipment C: services and supplies D: parts and materials

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      Resource<br/>categories in the resource breakdown structure include () A: Labor B: Material C: Equipment D: Supplies

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      ________ are industrial products. A: Major appliances B: Laundry detergents C: Life insurance policies D: Office supplies E: Legal services

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      As the world’s leading maker of industrial goods, the U.S. now produces around _________ of the world's industrial products. A: 20% B: 25% C: 30% D: 35%