• 2022-06-19
    dealer in British pounds who thinks that the pound is about to
    depreciate ( )
    A: may
    want to widen his bid-ask spread by raising his ask price.
    B: may
    want to lower his bid price and his ask price.
    C: may
    want to lower his ask price.
    D: none
    of the above.
  • B


    • 0

      The bid price for a bank is 1.2400 US dollar per euro; and the ask price is 1.2408 dollar per euro. The spread would be __________.

    • 1

      — “Who is he?”<br/>— “I<br/>don’t know. You may ask Mary ___________.” A: who<br/>he is B: who<br/>is he

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: If you want to ask the client about his accommodation, you will not say__________.

    • 3

      Why did the man want to see the woman A: Confirm his class schedule. B: Discuss his thesis. C: Ask about reference material. D: Inquire about his grades.

    • 4

      A price that is higher than the equilibrium price ( ) A: The producer cannot recover the production cost at this price. B: At this price, the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity<br/>demanded. C: Consumers are willing to purchase all products at this price. D: Demand is greater than supply at this price.