• 2022-06-19
    Dr. Slater's research will support the statement that man's sense of beauty ______.
    A: is already there in the brain before birth
    B: is cultivated after birth
    C: is influenced by their parents
    D: grows duller as years go by
  • A


    • 0

      Toms parents will be back from London . A: long before B: before long C: before soon D: soon after

    • 1

      Dr. Ramscar's research was based on:

    • 2

      It is 50 years ____the People’s Republic of China was founded. A: after B: before C: when D: since

    • 3

      The world’s birth rates are on a decline and____are the death rates.

    • 4

      According to the passage, a person's life, from his birth to his death, ______. A: is constantly shaping the cultural traditions of his people B: is predominated by traditional custom C: is continually influenced by the habits of other communities D: is chiefly influenced by the people around him