• 2022-06-15
    Part 2: Long Conversation 1 (No. 9—No. 11)​浏览器不支持音频​9.
    A: An English test.
    B: A career test.
    C: An art test.
    D: A medical test.
  • B


    • 0

      An analyst does research about hypothesis testing. Which of the following test statistics is most appropriate test statistics for two means based on samples that we believe are dependent A: T-test. B: F-test. C: Chi-square test.

    • 1

      ​How come Anna got a F in the English test?‍ A: She cheated in the exam. B: Her answer was not to the point. C: The English teacher gave her the failing grade intentionally. D: She did not finish the test.

    • 2

      How come Anna got a F in the English test?( ) A: Her answer was not to the point. B: She did not finish the test. C: The English teacher gave her the failing grade intentionally. D: She cheated in the exam.

    • 3

      Why can't the woman give Terry Young's test to the man A: Because it is against the law. B: Because the man is not a member of Terry's family. C: Because the woman cannot find the test. D: Because Terry was too sick to take the test.

    • 4

      在测试中不要改变工作步骤的顺序。 A: Do not change the sequence of the work steps in the test. B: Do not disturb the sequence of the work steps in the test C: Do not modify the sequence of the work steps in the test