• 2022-06-15
    firm that buys on credit is in effect borrowing from its supplier. (
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      In<br/>a reverse stock split:() A: the<br/>number of shares outstanding increases and owners’ equity<br/>decreases. B: the<br/>firm buys back existing shares of stock on the open market. C: the<br/>firm sells new shares of stock on the open market. D: the<br/>number of shares outstanding decreases but owners’ equity is<br/>unchanged. E: shareholders<br/>make a cash payment to the firm.

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      1. The changes in the firm's policy will have to be ___________ if they are to have any effect on its future.

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      A<br/>wholly-owned subsidiary that handles the credit function for the<br/>parent firm is called a():() A: controlled<br/>disbursements company. B: junior<br/>subsidiary firm. C: parallel<br/>payments firm. D: captive<br/>finance company. E: operating<br/>division.

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      A supplier certification program:( ) A: adds cost to the supplier, but provides few benefits to the<br/>supplier. B: may enable the buyer and seller to lower costs and improve quality. C: may improve quality, but at best will not raise costs. D: always improves quality, but usually at a higher purchase price. E: typically cost more to implement than the value of the quality<br/>improvement.

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      When<br/>comparing the total cost of ownership from an international supplier<br/>to that of a domestic supplier, the international supplier’s() A: lower<br/>labor costs are easily eroded by additional shipping and insurance<br/>costs. B: lower<br/>labor costs offset the high cost of inefficient equipment and<br/>processes. C: lower<br/>labor rates must be considered in the context of productivity and<br/>quality. D: prices<br/>are carefully controlled by the S. government to prevent dumping. E: price<br/>will be higher if the S. dollar is strengthening on the exchange<br/>rate.