• 2022-06-15
    In (), the police caught Ned.
    A: 1878
    B: 1887
    C: 1874
    D: 1880
  • D


    • 0

      船政于___年开始效仿第一台往复式蒸汽机 A: 1878 B: 1879 C: 1880 D: 1881

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      when the police caught up

    • 2

      What happened to the shop in one month A: The police caught the thief within three months. B: The police had still not managed to catch the thief three weeks later. C: The police caught the thief three weeks later.

    • 3

      贝尔电话,爱迪生留声机,冷冻船首次出现在()年巴黎世博会上。 A: 1872 B: 1874 C: 1878

    • 4

      爱迪生在哪一年创立了爱迪生电灯公司,成为通用电气的前身? A: 1876 B: 1878 C: 1880 D: 1875