• 2022-06-15
    A.due toB.due inC.dueD.due of
    A: due to
    B: due in
    C: due
    D: due of
  • A


    • 0

      Current liabilities are ___. A: due, but not receivable for more than one year B: due, but not payable for more than one year C: due and receivable within one year D: due and payable within one year

    • 1

      The damage of the machine ____ too much friction. A: because of B: is because C: is due D: is due to

    • 2

      Our Final Exam has: A: One Part which is due next week B: Two parts, part one is due this week, and part two is due next week C: Two parts which are due next week D: Three parts

    • 3

      due ______________ adv.

    • 4

      ‏ The cause of cracks in concrete are: stress due to applied () and stress due to temperature or () change when concrete is restrained。​‏​