• 2022-06-19
    According to Elizabeth Stone, when you decide to be a parent, your heart will not belong to you anymore, but to your children.
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      When you speak in public, you may become nervous, your palms will be sweaty, your heart will be pounding, you may have a butterfly in your stomach. This is semantic noise.

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      According to the passage, when you fail in loving your job_____ .

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      According to the speaker, what happens when you turn and twist to get comfortable A: Your heart rate is lowered. B: It becomes harder to relax. C: You become too tired to sleep.

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      According to the passage, when you fail in loving your job_____ . A: you’ll have to change your job B: you’ll have to change your position C: you’ll have to take a leave from your job D: you’ll have to think about the missing part in your job

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      If you want to achieve certain goals in your trade, you have to ____ it with all your heart and soul.