• 2022-06-19
    twist: distort; turn: wring (同一个空有不同答案,答案中间用分号,比如twist; distort)
  • twisted; turned#twisted#wring#twisted;distorted#twisted#twisted#wringing


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      In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introduced a ____<br/>to New York’s rock’n roll fans. A: new dance, the twist B: twist, was the new dance C: twist, the new dance that D: new dance is the twist

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      如何扭曲对象() A: 使用Distort工具 B: 选择Modify>Transform>Distort C: 选择Skewr工具 D: 选择Modif>Transform>Skew

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      18039b693e61162.png 答案用小数表示。有效数值保留2位。数值中间用分号隔开,末尾不加标点符号。

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