• 2022-06-19
    The comrade I want to learn from is ______ studies hard and works hard.
    A: who
    B: the one
    C: the one who
    D: the one which
  • C


    • 0

      One cannot learn a foreign language well()he studies hard. A: unless B: if C: as D: whe

    • 1

      What kind of professionals does High End Exhibit Company want to find A: One who once had sales practice. B: One who has already a client base. C: One who ensures a long term success. D: One who promises to find new clients.

    • 2

      _______ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one?---The blue one. A: Who B: What C: Whose D: Which

    • 3

      No one is_________to take the risk. A: content B: hard C: willing D: want

    • 4

      --- _______ one is his?--- The green one is his. A: What B: Who C: Whose D: Which