• 2022-06-17
    Which of the following cities, in ancient China, had implemented the
    “Lvli system”?()
    A: Bianliang of the Song Dynasty
    B: Lin’an of the Song Dynasty
    C: Chang’an of the Tang Dynasty
    D: Chang’an of the Han Dynasty
    E: Luoyang of the Eastern Han Dynasty
  • D,E


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      When was the form of public education system established?? Tang Dynasty|Qing Dynasty|Eastern Zhou Dynasty|Han Dynasty

    • 1

      When did the mature fictional novels arose? A: Song Dynasty B: Ming Dynasty C: Tang Dynasty D: Han Dynasty

    • 2

      When was Buddhism introduced into China? A: Qin Dynasty B: Western Han Dynasty C: Eastern Han Dynasty D: Western Jin Dynasty

    • 3

      Which dynasty did several famous kilns in China appear?( ) A: Ming Dynasty B: Song Dynasty C: Tang Dynasty D: Qing Dynasty

    • 4

      Which dynasty was Tang Yin live in? A: Ming dynasty B: Yuan dynasty C: Tang dynasty D: Song dynasty