• 2021-04-14
    Put the following sentences in correct order to be a coherent paragraph. ①Kin do not always live together or function as a group but they may recognize certain rights, responsibilities, and obligations to one another. ②Kinship refers to a social network of people who are related by common ancestry or origin, by marriage, or by adoption. ③Kin can include close relatives such as parents, and distant relatives such as third cousins.
  • ②③①


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      中国大学MOOC:"_________ family includes all relatives in close proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.";

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      All the sentences in a paragraph need to be related to the topic sentence, and they need to be logically related to one another, too.

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      Read the essay below, then put the ideas into two groups: advantages and disadvantages. 1. sometimes people think they are talking online to someone friendly, but it might be a dangerous stranger. 2. Social networking means we can keep in touch with friends and family easily. 3. If a person has relatives in another country, they can keep in contact using Facebook. 4. Social networking can be addictive, especially in young people. 5. Social networking helps people pass on news. 6. Young people may spend too much time on social net

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      Which is a paragraph? A: A paragraph is a group of at least five sentences. B: The unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. C: A paragraph can be just one sentence long. D: A paragraph is half a page long.

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      In a paragraph, several related sentences work together to ________ an idea, or to create an impression. A: put through B: put across C: put aside D: put away