• 2022-06-17
    As soon as I was ________,I began to have second thoughts about leaving.
    A: on board
    B: on abroad
    C: go abroad
    D: boarded
  • A


    • 0

      I've never lived ____ . A: in abroad B: at abroad C: abroad D: on abroad

    • 1

      一I have never been abroad before. -__________.But I hope I could spend my summer vacation abroad next year.

    • 2

      I didn't go to his party last night, because _________ I changed my mind. A: on a second thought B: on the second thought C: on second thoughts D: on the second thoughts

    • 3

      I go to study abroad after college. A: was B: am C: is D: will

    • 4

      He was already _____ the plane. A: abroad B: about C: aboard D: board