• 2022-06-17
    145. Notices to Mariners are published _______.
  • every week


    • 0

      The weekly Notices to Mariners contains information needed for ______ A: updating paper charts B: using ECDIS C: correcting compass D: contacting company

    • 1

      SEARCHABLE NOTICES TO MARINERS can be searched by all the following options except ___. A: Chart Number only B: Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Yea C: Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates D: Cumulative Numbe

    • 2

      small notices

    • 3

      It's about time that the articles _________. A: are published B: were published C: shall be published D: will be published

    • 4

      It’s about time that the articles (文章) _____. A: are published B: were published C: shall be published D: will be published