• 2021-04-14
    The Dead Sea is on the border between _______. It is _______ meters below sea level. That is ______ on Earth. The Dead Sea is the _______ large body of water in the world. The area around the Dead Sea has ancient places that _______. _______ in the Dead Sea are used for health treatments. ______ brings many visitors to the area.
  • Israel and Jordan  365  the lowest point  saltiest  are important to Jews, Christians and Muslims  Minerals  The strange beauty of the sea


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      23. The low polar orbiting satellite system provides the coverage of____. A: sea area A4 B: sea areas Al and A2 C: all over the world D: sea areas Al, A2, A3 and A4

    • 1

      If the Dead Sea keeps shrinking by almost one meter each year, it could shrink to less than half of its current size in 50 years’ time.

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      下面单词中,哪个单词中字母组合ea发音与其他三个不一样? A: head B: dead C: deaf D: sea

    • 3

      智慧职教: Sea area A2 is an area within the coverage of at least one_________.

    • 4

      This passage tells us that ______. A: the sea is very shallow B: the sea is very deep C: the sea is neither shallow nor deep D: the depths(深度)of the sea in different places are quite different