• 2022-06-17
    social status
  • 社会地位


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      一、单项选择(Single choice)(2 points per question,14 points total)The research object of social medicine is ( ) A: Social health status and its changing laws B: Socio-economic status and its changing laws C: Health policy development D: Law of social development E: Personal health status

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      The language of a participant in a social activity reflects his social characteristics (such as his status, ethnic group, age and sex).

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      Where to sit in a western dinner is often determined by the identities and social status of diners. __________

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      Social status can be best reflected in the gate. Generally speaking, the gate is divided into six levels according to the social status of the host: Wangfu gate; Guangliang Gate; Jinzhu Gate; Manzi Gate, Ruyi Gate and Qiangyuanshi Gate. ()

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      _______ In being cultures, social status and position are more important than what a person does.